新地(00016)發展的港鐵元朗站The YOHO Hub II(The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期)本周 ...全文
... dents out there. In the age of automation, what are the kinds of jobs that would be replaced the most quickly? This, in turn, gives rise to a more fundamental question – what are the kinds of individu ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-09
This is not a commentary on any particular, single episode of protests – whether it be the anti-‘reform’ protests in Israel, the pro-Gaza protests in the US, the protests against authoritarian encroac ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-09
新地(00016)發展的元朗站The YOHO Hub II(The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期)首輪銷售 ...全文
香港維港凱悅尚萃酒店與美國純淨護膚品牌FARMACY Beauty合作推出全新下午茶,主打以蜂蜜入饌,其靈感源自FARMACY Beauty的「Bee Your Skin!護膚哲學」及全新護膚產品系列,以及當中蘊含白蜂蜜和洋甘菊的「蜂蜜潤澤肌底精華」,並將蜂蜜、洋甘菊和無花果等皇牌成分融入各種鹹甜美食。 菜單亮點包括布里芝士牛角包配松露醬及無花果、巴馬火腿吐司 配無花果醬及布拉塔芝士、蜜糖薄荷 ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-09
... 下將軍澳唐俊街18號The Parkside Mall商場的個別地舖及1樓全層正推出市場招租。當中地下3個舖位 ...全文
新地(00016)發展的港鐵元朗站The YOHO Hub II(The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期)本周 ...全文
... ,在此表露無遺,他用The Mamas & The Papas的California Dreamin' ...全文
... 表處的正式英文名稱為The Taiwanese Representative Office in Lithua ...全文
French President Emmanuel Macron rolled out the red carpet for visiting President Xi Jinping this week – but failed to change his views on the two issues most important to Europe – industrial over-cap ...More
EJ Insight2024-05-08
... 將減息3次。 4. The YOHO Hub II暫收7000票 超額逾32倍 新地(00016)發展的元朗站 ...全文
新地(00016)發展的元朗站The YOHO Hub II(The YOHO Hub發展項目第C期)本周六( ...全文
一手新盤魚貫登場,新地(00016)發展的港鐵元朗站The YOHO Hub II(The YOHO Hub發 ...全文
... 最近更在中環地標商廈The Henderson推出虛擬巨型廣告【圖】。何詩蓓在其社交平台分享了相關短片,坦言從 ...全文
... 7個投行職位。 5.The YOHO Hub II周六首輪推售210伙 新地(00016)發展的元朗站The ...全文