... 是星二代,父親是樂團The Boom主腦宮澤和史,母親是混血音樂節目主持;冰魚在美國出生,日本長大,以模特兒身 ...全文
... w to fill the commercialisation gap in Hong Kong,修讀STEM ...全文
... ,並啟動初創交流中心The Spark,為創科人才提供開放平台及軟着陸點,促進發展本港與粵港澳大灣區市場。 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年03月27日
... 沙池」平台,同時啟動The Spark為創科人才提供一個開放的交流平台及軟着陸中心。 「信和創意研發室」及Th ...全文
The government plans to spend $1.4 billion in the next five years to upgrade eHealth to eHealth+, which integrates functions such as unified electronic medical records, governance processes, health to ...More
EJ Insight2024-03-25
... 廣)陳潔儀表示,位於The YOHO Hub的基座商場YOHO MIX元點,預期今年次季開幕,並以新生代為目標 ...全文
工銀亞洲近日於財經雜誌《財資》主辦的「The Asset Triple A Country Awards fo ...全文
鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN高層A1室,實用面積約452方呎,以月租3萬元承接,實用呎租約66.4元。 美聯物 ...全文
... 打造鳥語花香餐飲區「The Blooms by ÉPURE」,場地由時尚界風雲人物Joyce Ma愛孫Nata ...全文
... 實也是follow the flow(順勢而行)。」 他表示,醫療物流及保健品行業淡旺季不明顯,皆因人總會病 ...全文
... 賣20伙 恒地鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN昨天連沽15伙,成交價514.3萬至650.83萬元,呎價22232 ...全文
... 上「Life in the old dog yet!」,那場波他在不被看好的情況下,先輸一盤後反勝意大利的Be ...全文
恒地(00012)旗下鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN今日共錄15宗成交,全數標準單位售罄,包括6伙1房及9伙開放 ...全文
I am still in my early days of my academic career. I’d like to think there is much I have yet to learn. In some ways, the best way to learn is to teach. This is not only because teaching is vital in c ...More
EJ Insight2024-03-23
I’m a firm believer that the more you love something, the more you must be honest about it. A citizen’s devotion to their country could take many forms. Some are genuinely devoted – they see the inter ...More
EJ Insight2024-03-23