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信置今年推四新盤 涉1961單位

... 一季先推中環ONE CENTRAL PLACE,項目共設121伙,將於今年底落成。 其他新盤包括與嘉華國際(0 ...全文


TSMC to build second wafer fab in Japan

... canals in central Arizona. Climate change has seriously reduced the supply of water. Last year the state of Arizona restricted future home-building in the Phoenix area due to a lack of groundwater, ba ...More

EJ Insight2024-02-13


俄羅斯中央選舉委員會(Central Election Commission, CEC)公布,包括總統普京在內 ...全文



... 個向着Mercat Central市集的婦女銅像,拿着餸籃和一束花;教堂後街有個水池,上面銅像是一隻按着球的手 ...全文


未履諾交租 凱施餅店遭清盤

... 及滙中興業有限公司(Central Town Limited);另一債權方雅達企業有限公司(Aytat Ent ...全文


From shoes to semi-conductors, Taiwan’s transformation

... inburg in central Russia in 1933. Her odyssey from there to the mainland and then Taiwan was extraordinary. I was able to write these three books, and the new one, thanks to the warmth, friendship and ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-29

Is the Outlook for the Global Economy Still Bullish?

Last month, I wrote about the central role of inflation trends in the outlook for the world economy in 2024 and beyond. Of course, there are many additional risks, which is why the forecasting communi ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-23


... 過程,之後在NSW Central Coast中岸區域的布里斯班水域國家公園(Brisbane Water N ...全文


Hong Kong needs to de-emphasize national security

... ming. The central government, President Xi said, “fully supports Hong Kong in its effort to maintain its distinctive status, to improve its presence as an international financial, shipping, and tradin ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-10

The Fed’s remarkable feat

... hat major central banks’ current policies are substantially restrictive. For those of us in the first group, the salient risk is that maintaining nominal interest rates at their current level could tr ...More

EJ Insight2024-01-09

【私銀觀】中國要穩定經濟 需落實更多措施

... 議(China’s Central Economic Work Conference),並無釋出任何加大刺激經 ...全文



... 明確規劃核心商業區(Central Business District),即我們所講的「CBD」的概念。 觀察 ...全文


China: Aiming for a stable 2024

...  a higher central government deficit and increased central bank credit to the banking system towards the end of the year. China’s data for November continued to show uneven development. Industrial pro ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-29

Data protection rules in China

... tive list Central government is giving the green light to regional and local free trade zones (FTZs), like Shanghai and Guangdong, to issue their own negative lists. Essentially, it allows FTZs to mak ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-28


... 要的「核心商業區」(Central Business District),這份報告有點棄南就北的感覺:其一是放 ...全文


The growing risk of global disorder

... vaccines, central banks’ mischaracterization of inflation as “transitory,” and the consequences of the banks’ aggressive interest-rate hikes. The multilateral system has been further undermined by its ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

國浩集團(00053) 關連交易

國浩集團(00053) 關連交易 - 關於新加坡Lentor Central地塊項目之合資協議(437KB, ...全文


Opportunities for risk investments in 2024 amid uncertainties

... tensions, central banks at crossroads, and higher interest rates, very well. We favor robust, well-diversified portfolios that should cope well with different economic scenarios. In view of our base s ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-18

Beyond borders: Exploring 2024 Asia Pacific payment trends

... 2024. The central bank in Singapore has announced plans to pilot the live issuance and use of wholesale central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) next year to facilitate real-time cross-border payments ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-15

China-EU summit ends with no agreement on trade, Ukraine

... an of the Central Military Commission met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow. “In recent years, the development of China-Russia military ties has maintained strong momentum, with diversified h ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-14

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