
共 1903 個結果
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... k、Twitter和Instagram等工具對話,就算是在生病時得到一句簡單的慰問,也足以藥到病除。2015年 ...全文


遙控遊客 代你探索

... 傳逾2000張照片至Instagram等社交平台。 直播旅途精采瘋狂 遙控遊客為期5天,每天8小時。這個活動原 ...全文


台北個唱出位 兩岸網民罵戰

... 宵達旦罵戰。在其官方Instagram上,台灣網民留言:「接下來大陸要封殺麥當娜了嗎?中國娜迷們千萬別哭啊!」 ...全文



... 積極提高圖片分享網站Instagram(IG)的盈利能力,同時控制成本增幅,助其股價昨天大漲,也為在本輪業績期 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月29日

流動稱王 fb勢壯

... 到,旗下照片分享軟件Instagram是用戶人數第二高的社交網絡;Facebook甚至還未開始發掘這方面的收入 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年01月29日

Ai pulls art from Danish shows over new migrant law

... aid in an Instagram post on Wednesday he was shocked the Danish government had "decided to seize refugees' private property", Reuters reported. "As a result of this regrettable decision, I must withdr ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-28

Mobile ads drive record revenue at Facebook

... specially Instagram, which just marked its first full quarter of ad sales across international markets. “If you’re an advertiser and you want to reach mass scale, you only have two options: Facebook a ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-28

不滿褫奪國籍計劃 法國司法部長辭職

... 請人士的資產,昨日在Instagram宣布退出兩個在丹麥舉行的藝術展覽,以示抗議。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月28日

Google Glass goes dark on social media

... ebook and Instagram accounts for Google Glass were no longer active, Reuters reports, citing tech website 9to5Google. It has been four years of touch and go for the wearable glass headset which was wa ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-27

世界知名本地裁縫 第三代拒擴充

... 身照後,會把相片上載Instagram去tag客人。 這店由開業至現在,從未出售過成衣。「我們有些現成領呔、手 ...全文


Can Louisa Mak win it again?

...  wrote on Instagram that she believes she has an advantage as she is petite.  For sure, Mak still also has the home advantage. In a charm offensive, she took all the contestants for an outing in Hong ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-19


... 行把喝過的酒拍照放上Instagram和Pinterest等,這類用家的評語一般較短和簡潔。至於從事葡萄酒業的 ...全文


Four trends to watch out for in Facebook ads

... oducts on Instagram It was a good move not to put ads on Instagram too soon. Many small-business owners have now established a presence on Instagram. The ad platform on the media, meanwhile, is in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-01


... 看Facebook和Instagram,最多只會常去財經網站或馬會網站,甚至不太看新聞評論,因為一個電視的新聞 ...全文



... 有趣。 2. IG(Instagram)廣告登陸 收購了這個照片分享平台之後,fb一直遲遲未有急於把廣告產品推 ...全文


HK students gain confidence via Stanford entrepreneurship camp

... invest in Instagram and online shops selling handmade products. “Credit Chest” made a platform that allows customers to purchase store credit with loose change. “Authpaper” from the Chinese University ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-24


... 13年以10億元收購Instagram,在2014年以190億元收購WhatsApp。它亦曾試圖以30億元收購 ...全文


When IS comes to China

... book, and Instagram now also wield Kalashnikovs while high on Captagon, the poor man’s meth. But that doesn’t hide the fact that Al Hayat is an ugly collective of brainwashed zealots whose media produ ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-19


... 分享打高球和性感照,Instagram追隨者約60萬網民,一條訊息獲得數百以至上千的回應,實屬等閒。 有樣貌無 ...全文


Girl jumps to death in Mong Kok after saying goodbye on WhatsApp

... ebook and Instagram accounts showing her standing on the edge of dangerously high places. She had posted similar pictures on social media in the past, police said. Friends who saw the photos left mess ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-17

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