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伯明翰市政府破產 英揆表明不救

... 所屬的西米德蘭茲郡(West Midlands),首長史崔特(Andy Street)警告伯明翰破產後,當地居 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月06日

China, doubling BRICS size, challenges U.S.-led global order

... an the G7 western economies in purchasing power parity terms. With the addition of the six countries in January, the 11-nation BRICS group will, according to the Financial Times, account for 47 percen ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-05

美媒爆近年約百宗 中方轟造謠

... 州基韋斯特(Key West)一個情報中心過去發生多宗類似事件,曾有聲稱是遊客的中國人在軍事設施附近游泳和拍照 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月05日


... 深水埗通州街256號West Park地下、1樓及2樓3層舖位,地下建築面積約1210方呎,1樓及2樓建築面積 ...全文


The siren song of big history

...  From the Western standpoint, the first narrative regards China as a threat because of its extraordinary strength, whereas the second narrative presents it as a threat by dint of its inherent weakness ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-04


... 分項目(即澳洲墨爾本West Side Place第三座及第四座,以及倫敦金絲雀碼頭Aspen at Cons ...全文



... 段短時間居於倫敦六區West Drayton大街,有間Wilko在咫尺之遙,百無聊賴,幾乎隔一兩天逛一遍,特別 ...全文


損失攝錄機等財物 3蒙面匪未歸案

... 時左右在芝加哥西鎮(West Town)街頭拍攝當地的持械搶劫情況,現場距離市中心商業區10分鐘車程。當時一輛 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年08月31日

天水圍YOHO WEST 1393伙料下月登場

... 昨天命名為YOHO WEST,提供1393伙。新地副董事總經理雷霆預料,YOHO WEST下月可取得售樓紙,正 ...全文


YOHO WEST最快下月底推售

新地(00016)天水圍輕鐵天榮站物業發展項目第1期命名為YOHO WEST,提供1393伙,正待批預售樓花同 ...全文


The lessons we should have learnt from McCarthyism

... ly to the West - e.g. the US or the UK, in particular. It also applies to states in Asia, with extremists and political hacks opting to frame any and all dissenting viewpoints as being ‘brainwashed’ o ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-28

China aims to end global domination of U.S. dollar

... ssue. The West has frozen about US$300 billion of Russia’s foreign reserves and would like to give some – or all – of it to pay Ukraine to rebuild its country to replace the damage caused by the Russi ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-28

Phony ideology

... elineated Western allies. This, combined with the increasingly feel-good mood in Washington, as symbolized by President Biden’s latest loose-canon remarks on China, points to an American thinking that ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

Preparing Hong Kong’s education system for a multi-polar world

... -American-Western hegemon, are our citizens - qua Hong Kongers - prepared for these drastic transformations? Are they geared up for the paradigm shifts that would be taking to our world and, specifica ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-25

西倫敦Ealing 居民滿意度勝首都
交通便利得人心 「郊區女王」綠化高

... ersity of West London)在全英國121所大學中排名第23位。 日本移民聚居 形成小社群 由 ...全文


【異動板塊】能源股造好 高盛憂澳洲LNG項目罷工推高氣價

... 示,澳洲North West Shelf、Wheatstone與Gorgon液化天然氣開發項目可能發生罷工,這 ...全文


Can the West adjust to the irresistible rise of 'the Rest'?

... ge to the West, which in turn continues to underestimate the challengers. Peyman is hardly the first to predict the rise of countries that are not included in the geopolitical West (a group that inclu ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31


...  East and West中便針對儒家美德政治與骯髒手問題提出個人見解,其認為儒家思想中靈活變通的「道」(T ...全文


Food sovereignty increases food security

If you are looking for an argument in West Africa, try asking which country serves the best jollof. While Senegalese can claim to have invented the popular rice-based dish, Nigerians, Ghanaians, and o ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-25


即使天氣酷熱難擋,同樣無阻尋味熱情。位於中環的FRANCIS west,主打特色北非馬格里布菜式,馬格里布地區 ...全文


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