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Israel’s slippery slope

... lenge the central bank’s independence, so that growing deficits can be monetized. If Israel heads down this road, the outcome will be predictable. Just look at what is happening in autocratic Turkey, ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-02

政爭嚇走專才 重創IT業

... Up Nation Central本月中發布調查結果,顯示近70%的以色列初創正在部署離開,包括把部分資金撤離 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 經濟影響2023年07月29日


... 及集團於去年8月收購Central Medical Holdings Limited後來自後者的貢獻;同時,期 ...全文


Finding growth in a fractured world

...  hikes by central banks in advanced economies in several decades, China cannot count on globalization to rescue its faltering growth model. As companies seek to diversify supply chains away from China ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-24

近七成以色列初創擬遷離 憂司法改革

... Up Nation Central周日稱,根據最新對521間科技初創進行的一項調查,68%受訪企業啟動或準備開 ...全文



... 宅。「以Upper Central為例,最小的單位一百多方呎。這麼小的單位,很多時重點已不在『設計』,而是煩惱 ...全文


Is the net-zero transition endangering the Asian century?

... hering of central bank governors from member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) underscored the importance of aligning national policies to support the green transition. Two ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-19

The World Bank reflects our ambition

... sters and Central Bank Governors Meeting. Among the items on the agenda will be the reform of all multilateral development banks under the umbrella of what we call the Evolution Roadmap. Implementing ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18

Rate reset may fuel a new bond bull market

Aggressive central bank rate hikes and the resulting bond bear market in 2022 were extremely painful for investors. With 2023’s banking crisis adding to a backdrop already at risk from the hikes, econ ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-17


... 會2023及Art Central 2023分別吸引了約6.6萬名及4萬名旅客訪港,屬成功的「以文塑旅、以旅彰 ...全文


China’s smart city challenge

... 2014, the central government announced the development directives, main objectives and key tasks of smart cities through a number of policy documents. Many cities have closely followed the central gov ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-11


... 位於Amstel區和Central區。Amstel區有3座住宅、公園及運動中心,發售中的住宅The Jay有1 ...全文



... 頭,論文題目是「A Central Bank for China」,跟魏文彬一樣「貼地」,都是有關當時中國面對 ...全文



... 地區央行的數碼貨幣(Central Bank Digital Currency)進行跨境支付及外滙交易結算平台 ...全文


Collaboration is paramount for CBDC development

The emergence of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) has been exponential over the recent couple of years. While the merits of CBDCs are still widely debated, central and commercial banks are explori ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-04


... 大家到紐約中央公園(Central Park)、東京上野公園(Ueno Koen)或倫敦海德公園(Hyde P ...全文


「熱蓋」侵美 得州高溫飆至48ºC

... 」(Climate Central)新近分析指出,燃燒化石燃料引致地球大氣和海洋升溫,使極端氣候出現的機會增加 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年06月29日

A mild global contraction is coming

... g,” where central banks in the advanced economies manage to bring inflation back down to their 2% targets without triggering a recession. There is also the possibility of a softish landing. Here the i ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-28

A human-rights approach to the global food crisis

... ch are “a central feature of a global economy that is supported by relationships of dependence among individuals, countries, international financial institutions, and corporations.” An estimated 258 m ...More

EJ Insight2023-06-26

年輕城區 華裔佔36%

Wolli Creek坐落在悉尼中央商業區(Central Business District)西南面10公里 ...全文


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