... ap-shots, grand-standing, and half-truths construed as absolute truths. Sycophancy. Flattery. Sucking-up to those who wield financial, political, rhetoric, and symbolic influence. These are classic ta ...More
EJ Insight2021-10-20
... ur)、大軍官勳位(Grand Officier)、大十字勳位(Grand-Croix)。 有關頒發典禮周三在 ...全文
SHOUGANG GRAND(00730) 截至2021年9月30日股份發行人的證券變動月報表(124KB, ...全文
... 根州Lansing Grand River工廠,則於下周一復工。 福特汽車公布,Flat Rock工廠下周起停 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 8座中層B室,實用面積415方呎,1房間隔,叫價868萬元,議價後以860萬元成交, ...全文
... 明州大提頓國家公園(Grand Teton National Park)營區發現佩蒂托的遺體,證實是他殺。勞德 ...全文
... 作打造,其中The Grand Lounge的大圓桌中央有特色火爐,供圍爐閒聊或弈棋,住戶又可在British ...全文
... iduals to grand-stand, to virtue signal, to demonstrate ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年09月16日
... 隨機附加雜訊解碼」(GRAND)演算法,其操作原理是猜測影響訊息的雜訊,並使用「雜訊模式」來推斷原始訊息,可在 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年09月16日
... iduals to grand-stand, to virtue signal, to demonstrate that they’re “in the right”. Folks don’t go on Facebook in search of objectivity – they go on it to flaunt, to pedestalise, to cheat, to lie, to ...More
EJ Insight2021-09-15
SHOUGANG GRAND(00730) 延遲寄發通函(133KB, pdf) ...全文
SHOUGANG GRAND(00730) 2021年中期報告(2MB, pdf) ...全文
... us on his grand strategy of balancing the rise of China. For all the damage done to US soft power by the chaotic manner of the exit from Afghanistan, Asia has its own longstanding balance of power in ...More
EJ Insight2021-09-08
... 現代英式風尚The Grand Lounge。會所亦設有Fit Gym、Fit Yoga及宴會廳The Soc ...全文
... e won the Grand Prix of the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva in 2012. It functions as a biofeedback device that detects the electromyographic signal (EMG signal) of the stroke patient’s h ...More
EJ Insight2021-09-06