
共 1775 個結果
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Transferwise CEO on fintech partnerships and Facebook's Libra

... e. We are happy to see others share that mission and try to bring that change to the world. And so we see Libra not as a threat but as an opportunity. First, there will never be a single currency in t ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-02


... sApp,約我放工後happy hour。 「大概一些日子後,我想看看你這邊有冇機會?」講起Philip,他是 ...全文


三水同鄉會禤景榮學校 寓學習於玩樂 提升英語能力

... 不只希望將學校打造成Happy School,更是一個充滿童趣的學習樂園。」她認為學校應為學生提供一個平衡及快 ...全文


Fuyao Glass America: A clash of US and China work cultures

... t, it’s a happy ending. But some workers are less than thankful. They said they are staying just for the money. Chinese and local workers also appear to be less friendly toward each other. This articl ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-27


... 羅市民也要懂得be happy,加油!   ...全文


Liberals would rather focus on big picture than internal row

... d bring a happy ending to this “storm in a teacup”. Earlier on, news got out that Tien and Cheung might go head to head with each other at Tuesday’s party meeting over their dispute. Meanwhile, it is ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-26

Trump caught off guard as Iran's Zarif visits G7 summit town

... le he was happy for Paris to reach out to Tehran he would carry on with his own initiatives. Macron has taken the lead in trying to defuse tensions, fearing that a collapse of the nuclear deal could s ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-26


... 當局調查其壟斷地位之Happy Problem。全球地產租務市場之大,WeWork沒可能壟斷,「赤字企業」之吸 ...全文


MAYER HOLDINGS(01116) 通函 - [主要交易 / 發行股份]



Lam invites prominent figures to discuss dialogue platform

...  would be happy to host such a dialogue, provided that both sides are frank and honest, RTHK reported. The government source said although pan-democrats have made clear that they have no intention of ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-22

Kowloon Park underground space devt plan faces opposition

... eway Bay, Happy Valley, and Admiralty/Wan Chai, through evaluations and consultations before it recommended giving priority to the Kowloon Park Conceptual Scheme. Under the proposal, the scheme will i ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-21

Why value investors may live longer

... ess being happy is the secret to longevity. When you are doing the right thing, your body will create good hormones. Buffett drinks coke every day, but he’s still very healthy. He tries to find underv ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-20


... 友現實中的故事能否有happy ending。際遇無常,自己可以做到的,是透過戲劇讓他們成長,活出精采人生。 ...全文


Why Google's photo storage app is a winner

... not quite happy with Apple’s photo application, the iCloud Photo Library. The cloud-based app enables iOs and MacOS users to file, organize and synchronize their photos and videos under a single onlin ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-06

One strike and you're out

...  with the happy news that the London-based bank, which considers Hong Kong and mainland China as the top income contributors, saw a 16 percent increase in its interim profit. As to be expected, Flint' ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05

Lessons from the fall of Elizabeth Holmes

... ot have a happy ending. After a months-long investigation, Wall Street Journal’s John Carreyrou published a bombshell story alleging that Theranos's blood-testing device gave inaccurate results, and p ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05


... 界所想像,放工只識去happy hour。今時今日,哪怕是任何一個行業及背負眾多身份的人,很多都已經選擇放低包 ...全文



... 到這裏結束,那當然是happy ending,但可惜的是,「一滴血驗百病」完全是造假得來的成果。 故事主人翁是 ...全文


HK youngsters less happy than Singaporean peers: CityU study

... re most unhappy with cultural inheritance and employment opportunities, scoring only 7.09 points in both areas. Meanwhile, Hong Kong youths were most satisfied with entertainment and leisure, although ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-31

How to enable smart mobility for the elderly

... n enjoy a happy life. It is indeed the ultimate goal of becoming a smart city. – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG  ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-29

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