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... 黃(Kinetic Yellow)Suzuki Jimny掛着「PB 365」車牌,是她在2020年以約一萬元 ...全文


疫苗消息紛沓 完整資訊短缺

... 4年設立的「黃牌」(yellow card)制度到疫苗監察方面,好使大家了解藥物及疫苗等的安全狀況;可是,這個 ...全文


庭園出煮意 湛藍琉璃苣

... 草、琉璃苣和野芝麻(Yellow Archangel)的花朵,混合白酒醋、砂糖、丁香,就能製成冬天食用的沙律。 ...全文


Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

... . Yet our yellow countenance was the default, the norm ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年03月27日

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum

... . Yet our yellow countenance was the default, the norm – it would be strange to appear ‘white’ or ‘dark-skinned’, in my rather ignorant mind. I’d grown up – initially – with the explicit assumption, a ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-24

A triple win for oceans, climate, and us

Last November, something happened in the middle of the South Atlantic that was unusual enough to make a local northern rockhopper penguin raise one of its long spiky yellow eyebrows. The tiny archipel ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-19

Climate constitutionalism

... llpox and yellow fever crises, public health offers a helpful analogy for how such arrangements arise. In its 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the US Supreme Court ruled that a community’s ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-17

Defending democracy: A beautiful sight to behold

... that made yellow facemasks with the letters FDNOL for “five demands, not one less” was forced to close after mainland media accused it of violating security laws. Just this week a judge ordered people ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-14

Defending democracy: A beautiful sight to behold

... that made yellow facemasks with the letters FDNOL for " ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2021年01月14日


... 條形狀,若選擇他後期Yellow-Red-Blue以幾何圖案為元素的代表作,反而不太配合家的感覺。 Compo ...全文


云爾錄 : 警拘Yellow Factory經營者

... ,包括本地口罩生產商Yellow Factory的男性經營者,以及「香港人口罩」公司一名女董事,涉嫌串謀欺詐, ...全文


被指挑戰國安法 Yellow Factory兩門市今起停業

有報道早前引述民建聯立法會議員葛珮帆批評,Yellow Factory店舖裝修有明顯政治傾向,「康復香港,時代 ...全文


樓市回暖迎春 專家大跌眼鏡

... 頭回升。財富管理公司Yellow Brick Road創辦人鮑里斯(Mark Bouris)表示,在2000年 ...全文


Hong Kong’s soft drink bottle cap awards

...  man in a yellow vest being kicked by policemen during last year’s protests as “just a yellow object”. I looked through the list of 687 awardees several times but could not see justice secretary Teres ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-08

Hong Kong's soft drink bottle cap awards

...  man in a yellow vest being kicked by policemen during ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2020年10月08日

Should we give up on our youth? - No, No, No!

... that all "yellow" youths – including those who champion ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian YS Wong2020年09月18日

Should we give up on our youth?-No, No, No!

... that all “yellow” youths – including those who champion democracy and liberty – are paid shrills or mindless zealots. It is chic and “politically correct” to insist that youth of only one colour (blue ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-17

We need an honest conversation about police accountability

... ainwashed yellow ribbon!" Let's face it. There's more t ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA concerned Hongkonger2020年09月15日

We need an honest conversation about police accountability

... ainwashed yellow ribbon!” Let’s face it. There’s more to life (at least this specific matter) than the obsequious, disingenuous essentialisation that breaks things down to black and white. It pains me ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-11

【Michael Chugani x 陶傑】國安法下 「自救」成敏感詞彙

... 得?「黃色經濟圈 (Yellow Economy)」=? 《自救!HONG KONG IN CRISIS》搶先 ...影片


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