
共 3000 個結果
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Will Hong Kong or Shenzhen win in golden holiday?

Here is a million dollar question: how would the Night Vibes Hong Kong attract mainland tourists in the upcoming golden holidays? Local response to the government’s campaign to revitalize the city’s n ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-21

Whither the G20?

... , managed to secure agreement on a joint communiqué not at the eleventh hour, as is so often the case for multilateral summits, but on day one. This is particularly notable given the deep divisions am ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-21

To Protect Democracy, Revive Local Journalism

The Washington Post’s famous slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” is sadly coming true in many parts of the United States. The digital age has shattered newspapers’ business model, turning many commu ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-20

香港電車辦市集 回味八十年代璀璨歲月

...  2.0丨Back to 80's》市集,邀請市民回到過去,體驗當年香港五光十色的夜生活。 市集將設有一系列布 ...全文



... 政命令:Regulatory action shall not be undertaken unless th ...全文



... 2.0 丨Back to 80's》市集。 市集將設有一系列的布置和活動,讓入場人士都能身歷其境,感受八十年代 ...全文


Traders in Asia have never had more choices

With investors in some corners of Asia seeing subpar performances in the first half of 2023, some are turning to invest in technology stocks, with a particular focus on A.I.-themed investments, to gen ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-19


... 羅西里尼(Roberto Rossellini, 1906–1977)拍片,並與丈夫離婚,下嫁羅西里尼,7年後 ...全文


SEA TO SKY一手貨連辣稅輸280萬

... 軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY有3房單位以蝕讓價1150萬元沽出,原業主持貨不足3年並負責支付SSD稅款,合 ...全文


The Dangers of Groupthink

... dividuals to speak and think, to believe and appraise with reference to the group identities of the sources they consult, is a trait that we must most definitely watch out for. In the absence of check ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

Building an elderly friendly smart city in China

According to data company Statista, China invested RMB8.07 trillion in building smart cities within the six years from 2015 to 2020. However, in recent years, the development of smart cities in the ma ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18

SEA TO SKY三房海景蝕280萬沽

將軍澳日出康城SEA TO SKY 1座低層J室,實用面積790方呎,3房套房加儲物房間隔,座向西南方,擁海景 ...全文


What is there to love about Hong Kong

These days, it’s trendy to talk down Hong Kong. After all, who doesn’t enjoy trashing a city that has seen, in the span of four to five years, unprecedented political turmoil, a pandemic that has left ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-18


... 反對權(right to conscientious objection)的話題。引申一下,朋友的問題是否也關 ...全文



... mith Goes to Washington),竟選了The Bitter Tea of General Y ...全文


Europe must get serious about critical minerals

Throughout human history, raw materials have played a key role in economic development, international relations, and the destinies of entire nations and civilizations. From precious metals (silver and ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

As China’s economy drags, the rest of Asia offers hope

For more than three decades, the world economy has become accustomed to China being the main contributor to global growth. In particular, during the 2008 crisis, the Chinese economy contributed up to ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

How global currencies end

Is the dollar poised to lose its dominance of global economic and financial transactions? Many commentators apparently think so. Russia obviously hopes they are right, given that it has been shut out ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

一帶一路高峰論壇結束 6000環球業界參與

... dulla Bin Touq Al Marri表示,希望將線性經濟轉型為循環經濟,不斷利用回收資源,其中一項國 ...全文


Why enterprises are fully embracing the hybrid model

... based 9-5 towards the hybrid model. When the virus receded, firms were faced with a choice: push their people back into tired routines, or follow the lead of forward-looking businesses. - who had embr ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-14

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