
共 199 個結果
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HKSTP unveils biotech, AI programs to drive innovation

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) is focusing on biotechnology and artificial intelligence as part of its goal to become a major driver and coordinator of innovation and techn ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-27

Chinese equities: Consumption plays likely to gain traction

... beverage, bio-healthcare, culture and entertainment, and other retail plays all outperformed. Given the emphasis on consumption amid China's economic transformation, as well as the consumption upgrade ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-27

5G: Kicking off the 'Megatech' era

...  physics, bio-gene technology, new energy, new materials, and even space travel. The future is full of uncertainties, but what is certain is that ICT will be the infrastructure for applications of new ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22


... 豹尤西比奧(Eusébio)率領的賓菲加,傲視歐洲。 十載後再登頂 離別時人愈念舊,或許天妒英才,年紀輕輕已 ...全文


China to overtake US as biggest investor in Israel

... dozens of bio-tech, fintech, ag-tech and life sciences firms. Chairman of the conference is Ronnie Chan, chief of Hang Lung Properties. He is one of the key speakers, together with Chen Shuang, chief ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-01

Bio-test startup Vitargent taps into China food safety concerns

... national) Biotechnology are seeking to revolutionize how food, beverage, cosmetics and other products are tested for toxins, using fish embryos. The story of Vitargent began when Chen and his schoolma ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-29

Better plastics for healthier oceans

... ded that "bio-plastics" – which are derived partly from biomass like cornstarch – are the solution. But this argument is flawed: bio-plastics are very expensive and energy-intensive to produce, and st ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-08

BACHcode launches AI-enabled nutritionist

... alyze the bio-psycho-social dimensions of the user and adjust the health improvement strategies. Wong wants the user-chatbot interaction experience to be funny and positive, using one of the app’s fea ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-02


... 物澆自家菜園子,是謂bio耶! 漚肥堆為什麼直冒熱氣?搞不懂,特地翻了篇美籍華人引進美國秸稈處理新技術報道。這 ...全文


17 brands of baby bath products sold in HK meet WHO standards

... lysis and bio-tests. The results, which were unveiled on Thursday, showed all of the products met the standards set by the World Health Organization. Dr. William Yu, WGO founder and chief executive, s ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-08

倫敦巴士減排廢 用咖啡渣做燃油

... 排放廢氣。 科技公司Bio-bean指出,倫敦人每年產生20萬噸咖啡渣,該公司從咖啡店及即溶咖啡工廠收集咖啡渣 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年11月21日

Preempting the next pandemic

... y – being bio-prepared – is the best way to reduce the threat of a global contagion. Preparedness requires coordination among agencies and funders to build networks that enable quick deployment of and ...More

EJ Insight2017-10-24


... 及不悔。往後何議員寫bio時可以添點古風:例如說自己姓何名君堯,又名無赦,別號「不悔」。 「何無赦」變身「何不 ...全文


How Hengqin aims to capitalize on HK-Zhuhai-Macau bridge

... ormation, bio-pharmaceutical products, electrical appliances, electrical energy, petrochemicals and precision machinery. It wants the bridge to attract more Hong Kong investment, especially in high-en ...More

EJ Insight2017-09-07

How Hengqin aims to capitalize on HK-Zhuhai-Macau bridge

... ormation, bio-pharmaceutical products, electrical appli ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2017年09月07日

Govt plans to turn spilled palm oil into biodiesel

... asked two biodiesel makers, ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Ltd. and Champway Technology Limited, for help. As much as 100 tons, or half of the collected lumps of oil, will be transported to ASB Biodiesel’s ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-18

藍天白雲 葡菜新貌

... 加盟的葡國籍總廚Fábio Pombo主理,他來自葡萄牙南部,外貌十分年輕,但烹調葡萄牙菜的經驗豐富,又曾於米 ...全文



我告訴朋友,現在做「生命倫理」(Bioethics)方面的工作,就有人問,什麼是生命倫理?試過幾種方式長話短說 ...全文


Water supply to HK: No room for complacency

... nwhile, a bio-nitrification plant near the Shenzhen reservoir, which came into operation back in 1998, has been purifying tens of billions of gallons of water collected from the Dongjiang River everyd ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-20




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