... 投資銀行任職時,曾跟Gucci前CEO Domenico de Sole工作,對方知道她們的理念,於是介紹了設 ...全文
梅拉尼婭周日於白宮出發時,身穿Gucci出品的連身裙【圖】,這條裙價值約2.62萬港元,印有大笨鐘、英國國會大 ...全文
尖沙咀廣東道海港城繼早前名店GUCCI爆發6名員工感染麻疹後,相隔僅一條通道的名店BVLGARI【圖左】一名3 ...全文
... ands like Gucci and their ilk. It looks as though Chow Tai Fook is aiming to locate one retail outlet every 100 meters on the arterial shopping roads, expanding their gold emporia rather like a branch ...More
EJ Insight2019-05-15
在尖沙咀海港城的名店GUCCI前天(13日)爆發麻疹,有3名男女店員中招,衞生防護中心昨日公布再多2名曾接種疫 ...全文
衞生防護中心證實,名店林立的尖沙咀海港城發現麻疹新個案,精品名店GUCCI有3名25至30歲男女員工中招,3人 ...全文
... 6億歐羅。 開雲旗下Gucci業務成為多國稅務清查重點,Gucci此前將業務收益登記入瑞士公司名下,主要向瑞士 ...全文
... ,以了結有關旗下品牌Gucci的欠稅指控。 路透引述知情人士稱,開雲與意大利稅務當局預計將在5月初簽署和解協議 ...全文
... 無人死亡。LVMH和Gucci等大企業的老闆,馬上慷慨解囊,很快已募得10億歐羅用來重修。法國總統馬克龍承諾5 ...全文
... s such as Gucci-owner Kering, Hermes, Burberry and Moncler. LVMH had reported forecast-beating results late on Wednesday. First-quarter revenue rose 16 percent to 12.5 billion euros (US$14.10 billion) ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-12
... Kering’s Gucci were also cut by around 3 percent. It follows announcements last month from car brands BMW and Mercedes-Benz, which said prices for several car models would drop following the tax chan ...More
EJ Insight2019-04-02