
共 1847 個結果
頁數:1...85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Parents could lose HK$2 mln they put into playgroup operator

Several customers of playgroup operator Bambini Republic, which recently closed all its outlets, suspect they have been deceived to the tune of a combined HK$2 million (US$260,000, Apple Daily reporte ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-27

SDR call will reflect future hopes as well as current use of RMB

The renminbi’s use in international transactions remains heavily tilted toward trade, with limited adoption as an investment currency. On some metrics, progress on internationalization appears to hav ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-27

《海豚灣》導演+女車手 聯手揭物種滅絕真相

地球上物種大滅絕的速度遠超我們想像,如此下去,人類的滅亡不是隕石撞地球,不是外星人大舉入侵,不是太陽陽壽耗盡, ...全文


The Fat Pig

時代廣場出現了一家別樹一幟的西餐館The Fat Pig,以新界農場本地新鮮豬肉為號召。主持者Tom Aike ...全文


道指一周飆3.4% 市場不安消退

美國聯儲局12月加息的機會愈來愈大,但美股仍然造好,上周勁升3.4%,標普500指數更錄得近一年來最佳的一周表 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2015年11月23日

More stimulus needed to keep Chinese economic growth in place

China’s Communist Party has published a document in which it projects slower economic growth in 2016. Continued contraction in new real estate investment and exports means risks are tilted to the down ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-20


11月19日,周四。早兩日在本報「財經DNA」讀到慣以「美股隊長」筆名撰文的吳瑞麟君大作,在其筆下,能量飲品生 ...全文



中年枯寂,繞室徬徨,最可恨一周無事,情何以堪?交稿在即,惟有「忽然想到」...... 魯迅一九二五年斷續無端有 ...全文



英國監管機構將起訴10人操控歐洲銀行同業拆息(EURIBOR),是首次有同類案件進入刑事程序。 10名被告全為 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年11月16日

From Miss Canada to global property queen

“Many people believe a beauty pageant is all about ‘beauty’, but I think intelligence carries more weight than beauty,” said Andrea Eng (伍慧芬), Canada’s first Chinese representative at a global pageant ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-14


阿里巴巴「雙11」購物節在一聲敲鐘響後落幕,昨天全日總商品交易額(GMV)多達912.17億元(人民幣.下同) ...全文


China 2020 plan looks familiar but some parts are interesting

China’s Communist Party has published a document about the 13th Five-Year Plan. The 17-page document provides more details about the blueprint for economic growth in the next five years than were foun ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

Former Rabobank traders convicted in US over Libor rigging

A federal jury found two former traders at Rabobank guilty of fraud in the first US trial arising from a global investigation into manipulation of Libor, the leading benchmark for pricing financial tr ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

Bank of America to sell US$87 bln fund unit to BlackRock

Bank of America Corp. has agreed to sell its US$87 billion money-market fund business to BlackRock Inc in one of the cash-management industry's largest deals ever, Reuters reported. The deal, whose te ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-04

Hello Kitty, goodbye Rolex: Hong Kong retail mix goes downmarket

When US luxury handbag maker Coach Inc. opened its four-story flagship store in the heart of Hong Kong’s Central district, it marked the occasion with a celebrity-studded, champagne-fueled party. Seve ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-28

Facebook makes trillions of older posts easier to find

Facebook users are being told to double-check their privacy settings after the social media network issued an update that allows third parties to access trillions of older posts from any public profil ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-27

How nurses saved China GDP growth from margin traders

The sector breakdown of China’s data for third-quarter gross domestic product shows it was higher output from public services that rescued growth from the impact of the equity market collapse. With g ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-23

China GDP data awaited with trepidation, skepticism

The markets are awaiting China’s data for third-quarter gross domestic product -- slated for publication Monday -- with a combination of trepidation and skepticism. Trepidation that the data might sh ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-16

China economic woes shift the narrative in Sino-US talks

Following the latest discussions between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Barack Obama, the momentum in the bilateral economic relationship is tipping away from Beijing. During the ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-29

Myanmar lost nearly US$20 bln in illicit money since 1960

Nearly US$20 billion flowed illegally out of Myanmar between 1960 and 2013, according to a report by Global Financial Integrity (GFI), a Washington, D.C.-based research and advocacy organization based ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-11

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