Economists hoping to dress up their analysis of April data have two choices. Fourteenth-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer’s “April with its showers sweet” is the go-to choice for any green shoots. ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-03
The Chinese Communist Party’s first ever National Security Education Day has come and gone. Like most of the party's awareness campaigns, it was largely ignored, and left behind is a collection of puz ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-03
電影《家有囍事》中一幕巴黎鐵塔反轉再反轉可謂無厘頭喜劇片段的經典。現實中,法國亦有一道上下顛倒的傳統甜品──A ...全文
道瓊斯工業平均指數上周嘗試企穩萬八點大關,但未能借勢再一舉上升,挑戰歷史高位。分析員大多看淡後市,認為市盈率已 ...全文
經歷半個世紀戰火洗禮的柬埔寨,隨着政局近年趨於穩定,政府致力發展經濟及旅遊業,吸引中國、南韓、日本、台灣等國家 ...全文
過去5周,筆者在本欄向美國下任總統發表公開信,剖析他/她第一天在橢圓形辦公室履新時,將要面對怎樣的經濟現實。國 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2016年04月20日
由於Raytheon(雷神公司,美股編號RTN)的四大業務板塊中,綜合防衞系統(IDS)和導彈系統是兩大利潤來 ...全文
US health officials have concluded that infection with the Zika virus during pregnancy causes the birth defect microcephaly, a finding that experts hope will refocus attention on efforts to stop infec ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-14
要數當今荷里活聲價最高的編劇家,查理考夫曼(Charlie Kaufman)必然是一個不能繞過的名字。考夫曼早 ...全文
Capital outflows, surging credit expansion and slowing growth mean a torrent of headlines on China's financial risks. Despite those concerns, Bloomberg Intelligence Economics’ Financial Stability Inde ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-11
GF International Investment Management Ltd. is setting its sights on the absolute-return segment to compete with its rivals in Hong Kong. The firm is considering launching more private equity funds in ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-11
「巴拿馬文件」引發的政壇風波持續,英國首相卡梅倫周四突然改口,首次承認曾持有亡父成立的離岸基金股份,而且獲利。 ...全文
Defaults, frauds and dodgy deals in China’s financial sector are piling up at a rapid rate. That’s an index of increasing stress, as growth slows and debt-servicing costs rise. Multiple interest-rat ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-06
迪士尼營運總監、行政總裁熱門接班人斯塔格斯(Tom Staggs)周一突然宣布辭職,令公司內外均感意外,打亂這 ...全文
訪港內地客減少,海洋公園今年首季的入場人次對比去年同期有雙位數下調。不過,由於旅行團減少,而自由行以及本土港人 ...全文