訪港內地客減少,海洋公園今年首季的入場人次對比去年同期有雙位數下調。不過,由於旅行團減少,而自由行以及本土港人 ...全文
歐洲央行在3月的議息會議後宣布, 把基準利率由0.05%降至0%,並進一步下調存款利率,由負0.3%下調至負0 ...全文
今日信報理財投資理財方略Tom Stevenson2016年03月23日
China resumed ties with former Taiwan ally Gambia on Thursday, ending an unofficial diplomatic truce between China and Taiwan, Reuters reports. The small West African state was one of a few African co ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-18
A major factor driving the fall in China’s foreign exchange reserves is the unwinding of the carry trade. With foreign debt levels manageable and incentives shifting away from rapid outflows, that is ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-14
第88屆奧斯卡電影頒獎禮昨日舉行(詳見本報C7頁),在「奧斯卡太白」的種族爭議下,頒獎禮也有觸及此議題【見配稿 ...全文
相對於保守黨在公投前分為兩派,英國獨立黨及蘇格蘭民族黨有清晰的脫歐/留歐立場,作為第二大黨的工黨處境有點尷尬, ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野陳偉信2016年02月27日
作為今屆奧斯卡提名電影之一的《焦點追擊》(Spotlight,下稱《焦點》),是荷里活近年愈來愈罕見的好電影。 ...全文
英國皇家郵政曾發行一套郵票紀念二十世紀的經典英國設計,當中不乏我們熟悉的雙層巴士、紅色電話亭、Mini Coo ...全文
China’s foreign exchange reserves registered another significant drop last month. So far, though, there’s little sign of the cascading capital flight that would call the sustainability of the country ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-15