... 將對Netflix、YouTube等媒體網站構成挑戰,事關Netflix雖憑內容取勝,卻只能依賴訂閱費,無法結 ...全文
... 由Google持有的YouTube,YouTube再出售目標廣告的廣告位。 名著《一九八四》變真實 此外,現在 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2019年02月14日
... Google’s YouTube or Twitter for users’ attention, and also said the regulator was encroaching into areas that should be handled by data protection watchdogs. Facebook is considering appealing on the ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-08
... ebook and YouTube are the preferred options for streams, although some DJs have used more niche services like Twitch or Chew tv. Typically during a Facebook Live or YouTube set, your streams will be s ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-04
... 管局在官網、內聯網及YouTube上載「全城集氣‧為醫護打打氣」的短片,參與拍片的名人,包括譚詠麟、楊千嬅、陳 ...全文
... 後來嘗試自彈自唱放上YouTube,重拾信心。」 「簽了日本公司,父親也替我高興,最憂心是解約後,我選擇自組獨 ...全文
... video on YouTube: Saturn's rings are disappearing -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-18
... more, as YouTube has replaced TV as the world’s biggest TV channel. Smartphone, meanwhile, is now hitting the growth ceiling. Smart cars are probably going to be the next device people will spend mor ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-15