... 的「高人」趁大冧市在YouTube和WhatsApp散播恐慌,呼籲普羅大眾不想被「收割」,應盡沽手頭上股票。筆 ...全文
... Twitter, YouTube or the whole of astronomy. Jim Smith, director of science at the Wellcome Trust global health charity, said the project would be “internationally inspirational” and – like the Human ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-02
... works on YouTube marketing, told reporters as she joined hundreds of other employees in the courtyard of Google’s Mountain View headquarters. “But there are so many stories that we’ve heard for so l ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-02
... le Search和YouTube在內的主要網站營業額增長,從前一季的26%放緩至22%。不過,Alphabe ...全文
Google旗下影片分享網站YouTube昨天上午曾全球癱瘓近兩小時,包括香港、台灣及日本在內的亞洲地區,以至 ...全文
周二早上港鐵訊號系統故障,對港人而言屬於滴汗的小問題,周三放假遇上YouTube死機,則是馬騮掩眼的大問題。但 ...全文
影片分享網站YouTube一度故障,全球各地包括香港都受影響,服務在個多小時後回復正常。 不少用戶本港早上開始 ...全文
... ongly. 1. YouTube videosYouTube channels such as Dr. Bill Vicars, Expert Village and Laura Berg Life offer free online lessons on how to learn the sign language. 2. WebsitesIt goes without saying that ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-11
... a播放音樂,惟不支援YouTube短片分享平台,甚至fb旗下的WhatsApp、Instagram Direc ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年10月10日
... Vivek on YouTube (Cantonese): -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-08
... 二大流量網站,如今被YouTube超越了。瀏覽人數不振,股價也不振。 Facebook自劍橋分析事件後,已讓不 ...全文
... onents on YouTube. ASMR takes sounds such as whispering, soft speech, folding towels, hands rubbing on various textures, lighting matches, using brushes, unraveling tape, pouring water, painting and d ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-04