... ,其中「別無選擇」(there is no alternative)就是美元在可見的將來繼續保持它超強地位的常 ...全文
... 謙遜與合作精神,看來the best is yet to come。 撰文:許志宏 [email protected] ...全文
... 以歌都有得你唱,叫做The Twelve Days of Christmas。換言之,打從年初一開始,不停慶祝 ...全文
... ,屯門鄉事會路88號THE PARKVILLE基座商舖拆售再錄成交,地下G5A舖,建築面積約1670方呎,成交 ...全文
I spend an unhealthy amount of time answering emails. So I breathed a sigh of relief when I was recently made aware of an application that could scan through thousands of my emails, devise a fairly ac ...More
EJ Insight2025-01-01
What can we learn from the latest research which shows a positive relationship between mental health and academic achievement? In view of the sharp increase in student suicide cases in recent years, t ...More
EJ Insight2025-01-01
Morris Chang is both proud and uneasy about Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), the company he founded in 1987 that has become the undisputed world leader. To describe his feelings, he ...More
EJ Insight2025-01-01
The white carpet of a snow-covered field in western Russia is pockmarked by corpses of Russian and North Korean soldiers killed during ‘meat assaults’ on foot. The family of each dead Russian is promi ...More
EJ Insight2025-01-01
全球各大科企均搶購晶片,以確保有足夠運算力,訓練及運行其人工智能(AI)模型。外媒The Informatio ...全文
今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2025年01月01日
... 痛(Skin in the Game)這組詞。他認為,一個人假如沒有切實用錢投資的,說什麼話都不可信,不是自己 ...全文
... 包括一中國人 涉事的The Ember Hotel樓高6層,位於旅遊熱點考山路(Khao San Road)附 ...全文
... 生,由Winnie the Farm消閒農場、草原農場、何氏果園、片藍造、大嶼文化工作室帶領共77個島民或區外 ...全文
... 德拉設立「元老會」(The Elders),帶領全球領袖發揮影響力支持人權。 多年工作助卡特重建名聲,2002 ...全文
... Economics the Science of Choice」,反省經濟學上的所謂選擇。關於選擇的科學,概念 ...全文
... 熱門背包客區考山路的The Ember Hotel。查猜表示,該酒店內共有75人,其中34人在頂樓獲救,當局正 ...全文