
共 943 個結果
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西葡邊境 杜羅河村莊遊

... uro River valley)西葡邊境區的自然保護區、歷史古城及葡萄酒莊區,過一個寧靜而放鬆的假期。 先簡 ...全文


Sequoia China to cut up to 20% of investment staff: report

... f Silicon Valley venture capitalist Sequoia Capital is looking to cut the number of venture investment professionals from about 70, the people said. Two other people said the cut would be at least 10 ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06

Why Cyberport expansion plan is well justified

... s Silicon Valley is exactly a hub for both innovative businesses and venture capital firms. As many young entrepreneurs would seek funding support, having venture capitalists in Silicon Valley would c ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-06

盧瓦爾河谷 深度美味遊

盧瓦爾河谷(Loire Valley)由法國中部高原一直伸延至大西洋,壯麗的人文和自然景觀構成法國獨特的圖畫, ...全文


Beyond Meat share price more than doubles in market debut

... s Silicon Valley startup Impossible Foods Inc. Beyond Meat founder and chief executive Ethan Brown told Reuters on Thursday the proceeds would be used to expand marketing efforts, develop new products ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-03

Tesla seeks US$2.3 billion in debt, share issues

... g Silicon Valley automaker had no need for a capital raise, saying that high Model 3 volume and efficiency would push the company to profit in all quarters of 2019. That changed with a US$702 million ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-03

法意擱成見 悼達文西逝世500周年

... 爾河谷(Loire Valley)小鎮昂布瓦斯(Amboise)昨天起展開一連串盛大紀念活動,近年關係轉差的法 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年05月03日


在三藩市逗留了足足兩個禮拜(中間分別去了Napa Valley,以及絕美小鎮Carmel-by-the-sea ...全文


五月美食薈 澳門法味遊

... 爾河谷(Loire Valley)!為支持這個活動,澳門巴黎人將於這個五月在旗下3間法國特色餐廳呈獻一系列正宗 ...全文


Women strive to realize potential in tech world

... d Silicon Valley (24 percent). Israel is truly a Startup Nation. This is the result of the country’s science-based policy. Early in the 1990s, the government reformed its education system. It introduc ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-23

ASML falls victim to corporate theft, plays down impact

... n Silicon Valley where software programs for machine optimalization are developed,” ASML said in a response. “It’s not as if a blueprint that you could use to build a lithography system is lying on th ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-11

Crypto startup Abra to make all-in-one global investing app

... e Silicon Valley startup has received backing from heavyweight investors such as American Express Ventures, First Round Capital, Arbor Ventures, and HCM Capital, a venture capital arm of Foxconn Techn ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-11

Uber to sell about US$10 billion worth of stock in IPO: report

... y Silicon Valley unicorns, as stock market investors push back against some of the lofty price tags sought. On Monday, Pinterest Inc set a price range for its IPO that values it below US$12 billion at ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-10

納帕谷 葡萄成熟時

每次到加州總要去釀酒勝地,佔全美國葡萄酒產量達90%的納帕谷(Napa Valley)走走,它位於北緯39度, ...全文


Amina Bokhary gets six weeks jail for driving-related offenses

...  at Happy Valley on March 17. Amina then faced four charges, including three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and one count of common assault. But those charges were not pursued as the ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-02

Lyft shares surge on Nasdaq debut

... r Silicon Valley unicorns seeking to debut in the stock market this year, including Pinterest, Postmates and Slack. Lyft Chairman Sean Aggarwal said on Friday that the company will continue to priorit ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-01

Lyft valued at US$24.3 billion in first ride-hailing IPO

... r Silicon Valley companies seeking to float in the stock market this year, including Pinterest Inc, Slack Technologies Inc and Postmates Inc. Lyft raised US$2.34 billion its IPO. It said it priced 32. ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-29

China vows to reduce state intervention in industrial sector

... ussions. ‘Valley of Death' The latest conciliatory tone struck by Beijing to placate Washington does not mean China is less serious about its high-tech manufacturing drive, with local governments stil ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-25


... echnology Valley,未來將生產包括疫苗、鏡片、化療藥物等的產品,創造2萬個職位。 土耳其周日(3 ...全文


泰大選各黨鬥派糖 難威脅軍政府

... 業谷創新(Agro-Valley Innovation)」計劃,通過建立創意農業產業和定性訊息數據庫來提高產品 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野Jakarin Bank Treedara2019年03月23日

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