
共 943 個結果
頁數:1...23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ...48

Trump’s economic war of choice

... m Silicon Valley. So far, Chinese regulations do not seem to have discouraged the big US-based tech companies. Even Google, which left China eight years ago, is reportedly developing a censored searc ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-14

美國西岸灣區 科技vs原始

... nta Clara Valley)的別稱,位於加州北部、舊金山灣區南部。多個熟悉的高科技企業總部均在此地,例如 ...全文



... 」(Uncanny Valley;不気味の谷現象)的理論假設。他認為人類對於機械人、人偶等「類人型物體」,有一 ...全文


保良局姚連生中學 福氣校長屢遇好師長

... 沙漠,叫Death Valley,我們走到其中一個很大的沙丘上拍了這張相。」 聊起個人經歷,戚校長順道分享了 ...全文



... 年代,Hunter Valley葡萄園開始有規模地建立,當地的葡萄酒之父James Busby於當時從西班牙和 ...全文


Microsoft pulls ahead of Apple in market value

... r Silicon Valley stalwarts, losing 19 percent since the iPhone maker warned on Nov. 1 that crucial holiday-quarter sales would likely miss Wall Street expectations. Global demand for smartphones has s ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-29

Shenzhen: tech knockoff hub or China’s Silicon Valley?

Recently I took my students at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to an incubation center in Shenzhen to explore the developments in our neighboring city. Known as China’s Silicon Valley o ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-26


... 隆河區(Rhone Valley)的Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise冠名產區甜酒。Bea ...全文


The global talent race

... n Silicon Valley are foreign-born. But today’s leaders could well be tomorrow’s laggards. Many factors are driving the shift in the composition of migration flows, including the Fourth Industrial Revo ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-21


... Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival,6年前就將已故著名饒舌歌手T ...全文


Tencent building self-driving car team in Silicon Valley

Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings is recruiting self-driving car engineers in Palo Alto, California, joining a crowded field of corporations vying for talent in the heart of Silicon Valley, Reuters ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07


... 亞大裂谷(Rift Valley)進行,也與氣候變化有關。 先說研究背景,過去有研究員在那兒發現原始人使用的石 ...全文


Father of Web says tech giants may have to be split up

Silicon Valley technology giants such as Facebook and Google have grown so dominant they may need to be broken up, unless challengers or changes in taste reduce their clout, the inventor of the World ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-01

The promise of AI in the developing world

... a Silicon Valley-based tech startup, is giving doctors in hard-to-reach clinics the ability to order blood by text message, and then have it arrive by parachute in a matter of minutes. Since the progr ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31

Waymo wins nod for driverless testing without backup driver

... f Silicon Valley. Although self-driving vehicles are designed to eliminate the need for a driver, most testing thus far has been with a safety driver behind the wheel who can take over in case of emer ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31

國家公園左擁右抱 信步解決身心所需

... 育區Berowra Valley國家公園,可說是被樹林環抱。彭南特山有7個公園,大部分都設有兒童遊樂設施和野餐 ...全文


Former Sun Hung Kai chief Walter Kwok dies at 68

...  in Happy Valley after initially being lodged in the intensive care unit of Ruttonjee Hospital. It is believed that as Kwok had suffered a stroke and serious cerebral hemorrhage, the team of doctors t ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-22

意國工藝 Grana Padano芝士

... 公里波河河谷(Po Valley)的齊亞拉瓦萊修道院(Chiaravalle Abbey)中誕生!它是意大利其 ...全文


「十姑娘」子發律師信 索澳娛20億股息

... ited及Moon Valley Inc.共4間公司,但澳娛拒承認有關轉讓。 信中又提及,何婉琪生前獲澳娛以銀 ...全文


Stripe valued at US$20 billion in latest funding round

... r Silicon Valley startups, offering a quick and relatively simple way to collect payments from customers without the hassle of traditional banking procedures. “We think this investment will be helpful ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-27

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