
共 1908 個結果
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Sun Seeker

... r、Stellar Bay,以及東岸Barstool,各有不同的鮮度和口感。而牛扒,是頂級來自艾伯塔省(Alb ...全文


On"Dismantling Global White Privilege"-Chandran Nair

...  Causeway Bay and Mong Kok. We may not look white, but ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月21日


... d Seasons Bay一期,82.35億元及1136宗。 去年主要發展商旗下一手樓宇銷售登記,新地304. ...全文


On “Dismantling Global White Privilege”-Chandran Nair

...  Causeway Bay and Mong Kok. We may not look white, but the sentiments of white worship and fetish reverberate and have taken root amongst us, he argues swiftly in his book – drawing upon first-hand an ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-20

Who will be the next CE?

... o Penny’s Bay quarantine centre after the infamous birthday party early this year. CY Leung is no better. Despite his efforts in social media, most people would simply want to forget the bad old days ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-19

東隅酒店下月成國泰檢疫酒店 葉劉今早考察

... 酒店loading Bay收走並立即處理。 她又提到,為了杜絕日前油麻地檢疫酒店「海景絲麗酒店」疑因酒店換氣率 ...全文


熟成海鮮頌 不一樣鮮味

... 漁場Bristol Bay擔任水手,當時在船上要修補漁網、清潔船隻、處理漁獲,雖然工作辛苦,但從中接觸到鯨魚、 ...全文


The Penny’s Bay fear

... n Penny’s Bay’s quarantine centre. With God’s grace, the quarantine period was just shortened this week to two weeks instead of three, thanks to the many high-profile politicians and senior government ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-12

布朗特海邊屋1.31億 東岸區紀錄

坐落在悉尼東岸區的布朗特,距離悉尼市中心9公里,約20分鐘車程。這個海濱城區東朝Nelson Bay,沿岸豪宅 ...全文


英元旦16.3°C 史上最溫暖

... 溫灣(Colwyn Bay)所錄得的攝氏14.8度最溫暖除夕紀錄。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2022年01月03日

美休閒餐廳Red Robin易帥有睇頭

... 雅圖Portage Bay之前、Fuhrman Avenue和Eastlake Avenue E.交界,由於屬 ...全文


Three tips for digital transformation

... e Greater Bay Area. In each of the above examples, the company set its own agenda. While it’s important to be aware of what the competition is doing, it’s more important to be clear about what your cu ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-31

YOHO Hub周日推209伙 雋薈120單位晒冷對撼

... d Seasons Bay第三期(384伙)亦可能以現樓形式推售,預計明年農曆新年後起動。換言之,新地明年首季 ...全文



... 島的冷灣(Cold Bay)則錄得破紀錄的攝氏16.67度高溫。 內陸城鎮豪雨逾萬戶斷電 12月的阿拉斯加內陸 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年12月30日

The YOHO Hub周日發售209伙

... d Seasons Bay第3期亦有機會明年第一季登場,預計農曆新年後將會起動。 ...全文


HZ BAY B2412(40976) 債券及結構性產品 - [發行通函或定價補充文件 - 債務證券]

HZ BAY B2412(40976) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本版面 ...全文



幾個月前到約克,原本打算往海邊漁村Robin Hood's Bay找尋歷史。它是十八世紀知名的走私重地,海港三 ...全文


HZ BAY B2412(40976) 債券及結構性產品 - [上市通告 - 債務證券]

HZ BAY B2412(40976) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在本版面 ...全文


Following the money of Hong Kong's growing fintech cluster

... e Greater Bay Area continue to grow, so has the support for these companies. One example is the Alibaba Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Fund (AEF), which recently launched a HK$ 2 billion AEF Greater Bay Area ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-24

Qianhai: Starting point for HK to build up a new growth engine

... o Greater Bay Area, which is not unknown to Hong Kong people. However, the new "Qianhai Plan" raises a question as to whether the relationships between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, as well as other cities ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-24

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