
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ...150

The death of compromise politics

... nse of displacement/anomie, and the righteous entitlement that is seen across white supremacist, xenophobic narratives, there has been a palpable though gradual shift in public sentiments when it come ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-16

Using technology to better supervise Chinese herbal medicine

... ll as the place of origin in 2010. The results can be obtained in just 10 minutes. Recently, the technology of identifying Chinese herbal medicines has reached a new level. The Technological and Highe ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-10


... 牛耳的巴黎凡登廣場(Place Vendôme),把男性襟針定為未來市場熱門,「男士們重新發現了凡登廣場寶石鑽 ...全文


Trawl for talents: What do young talents want?

... ty to workplace diversity and good corporate governance. And ultimately, they are more inclined to strive for stakeholder economy that includes having positive impacts not just to the local communitie ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-09

Modern data protection: Surviving and thriving in a hybrid world

... lution in place is vital for recovering from cyber attacks, data breaches and outages. What comes first however is knowing exactly what data needs to be protected and recovered. Being unable to define ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-08

How developing countries can reach net zero

... d efforts place a heavy burden on state capacity, and prioritizing some sectors and technologies over others is an inherently difficult task that is often vulnerable to outside influences and regulato ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-07

IP licensing key to driving cultural, creative industry growth

...  industry placement opportunities, and revamping existing funding schemes – like the CreateSmart Initiative – to further expedite commercial developments of arts and culture, among others. For us, the ...More

EJ Insight2022-11-03


將香港形容為「借來的時間、借來的地方」(A borrowed place on borrowed time), ...全文


Human rights hold the key to protecting biodiversity

... ty in one place to its ongoing destruction elsewhere. Rather than a remedy, “nature-based solutions” are becoming part of the problem, serving as a license for business as usual, or even encouraging m ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-31


...  borrowed place on borrowed time),所以一向有移民「暗湧」,不時更形成「潮」。 ...全文


悉尼Mona Vale地段靚入市良機
傳統海濱豪宅區 分層價跌幅冠全城

... Pittwater Place有約40個商戶,包括超市、銀行、診所、藥房、海鮮店、肉店、糕餅店、美容店、理髮店 ...全文


主打鐵路項目 港島南岸4期最具規模

... E CENTRAL PLACE共121伙,5個新盤合計約3037伙。 KOKO HILLS第3A期本季應市 另 ...全文


Not a bizarre visit to Hong Kong

... a special place in Gucci, which set up its first store in Hong Kong in 1974, its first Asian venture. Now the luxury franchise has 12 stores after nearly half a century of efforts. And for Bizzarri, w ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-26

Down goes the yen

... s been in place since January 2013. As long as Japan’s inflation rate differs so sharply from those of the US and Europe, so must its monetary policy. Ensuring exchange-rate stability is part of the f ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-21

Reading Kissinger on leadership

... opting to place their people first, empower them second, and fundamentally center their policies and rhetoric around the interests of their denizens. Finally, true leadership – as Kissinger repeatedly ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-19

Fighting polio to the finish

When I took my children to receive their polio vaccines a few years ago, I thought about how lucky we are to live in a place where we can access lifesaving interventions with such ease. We didn’t need ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-17


... 小說《位置》(La Place),講述與亡父的關係。 安妮艾諾成長時遇到不少來自中產家庭的女生,背景的巨大差距 ...全文


The state is taking back energy

... an put in place, people will continue to use gasoline-fueled cars. Market forces can do little to help families facing a sudden rise in the cost of an essential commodity. Nor can markets redistribute ...More

EJ Insight2022-10-10

港迪士尼舉行招聘會 增聘600人

香港迪士尼表示,將於星期四及五(13日及14日),於荔枝角D2 Place舉行招聘盛會,提供600個全職、冬季 ...全文


女作家奪文學諾獎 法國第一人

... 括以《位置》(La Place)獲得法國文學最崇高獎項荷諾多獎(Prix Renaudot),該書的英文版A ...全文

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