... 鑽石後,實驗室寶石(lab-grown diamond)的批發價格已經下跌最多六成。 戴比爾斯去年打破多年來只 ...全文
... 屬於滴滴新成立的R-Lab部門,該部門負責探索滴滴邊界,以及催生創新產品。報道提到,R-Lab部門即將面臨大裁 ...全文
... 爾實驗室(Bell Lab)亦資助企業發展,試問美國如何要求中國政府不支持國內企業或各行各業發展?相信雙方均存 ...全文
... eidoscope Lab)決賽中,成為優勝隊伍之一;兩天後,他們又在本港創科盛事JUMPSTARTER,連奪 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年02月11日
... 實驗學校(Khan Lab School),這家距離世界最大科技企業重鎮不遠的實體學校,嘗試為傳統教育注入更多 ...全文
... 海城OC STEM Lab;透過與香港大學及香港科技大學的合作,支持追逐夢想的大學生和畢業生,以及提供沙池平台 ...全文
Harvard University’s Nieman Journalism Lab has summed up a number of trends in the global news media industry in 2018, and coined new words -- "NINO" and “FILO” -- to describe two of the new trends. ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-03
Huawei Technologies said on Tuesday that it will spend US$2 billion over the next five years to focus on cybersecurity by adding more people and upgrading lab facilities, Reuters reports. At a news co ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-19
Secretary for Innovation and Technology Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung said in a radio interview that the Smart Government Innovation Lab will be launched next year. The lab aims to promote government proc ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-14
... 高雄VR FILM LAB」,設有全台灣唯一的「VR競賽」。今年培育的短片,既有新晉導演作品,亦有屢獲殊榮的創 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年12月13日
... nnovation lab to study how to improve operations through a higher level of automation. Also, the exchange is exploring the development of a blockchain-powered platform for HKEX’s northbound Stock Conn ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-12
... set up a laboratory in Hong Kong to develop instruments for precision medicine. The planned facility will focus on medical instrumentation for microfluidic-based diagnostics, drug delivery and sensor ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-03
... nnovation lab at Airbnb, is handling the initiative. Airbnb co-founder and chief product officer Joe Gebbia, who also leads Samara, told Fast Company in an email that the initiative will include small ...More
EJ Insight2018-12-03