Quite often in China, if you want the business, you have to adapt to the local practice and local taste. This appears to be true as well for the top global coffee chain Starbucks. The advent of new te ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-06
在學術界中,有一個行為經濟學叫稟賦效應(Endowment Effect),其意思就是「敝帚自珍」,把自己家裏 ...全文
In crowded Hong Kong, the co-working space industry has reached a critical mass, bringing in new trends to the business of providing affordable and flexible office spaces in the city. The Hong Kong Ec ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-27
China’s decision to fight back against American tariffs levied on Chinese goods raises issues that extend far beyond the obvious economic implications to matters associated with personal health and th ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-26
中國運動品牌浩沙(02200)最近可算是多災多難,作為土生土長的香港人應該好少人聽過浩沙這個品牌。浩沙是室內運 ...全文
Following its weak trading debut last week, Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has seen its share price rise above its offer price. This came after the Hong Kong stock exchange and its mainland counterp ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-19
去槓桿收水,民企勁難捱,上半年社會融資規模增量累計9.1萬億元(人民幣.下同),比去年同期少2.03萬億元。其 ...全文
美國咖啡連鎖店星巴克(Starbucks)在中國遇到天大麻煩,星巴克在一個月前還對中國市場信心十足,膽粗粗計劃 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年07月13日
Chinese coffee chain Luckin has become a member of the so-called unicorn club following a fund-raising exercise that saw the startup fetch lofty valuation. The Beijing-based firm successfully complete ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-12
貿易戰正式打響,美國於香港時間周五中午,正式對340億美元的中國商品加徵25%關稅,兩個星期後,向另外160億 ...全文
最近,除了世界盃之外,市場最關注應該是7月6日的來臨,當天美國將會先向340億美元中國入口貨品徵收25%關稅。 ...全文
世界盃又到,有人話睇波不賭波,睇來幹什麼?本欄一向講開股票,今日就改一改主題,講下賭波。香港賽馬會人所共知,為 ...全文
今年光伏行業可算是多災多難,去年中國還是積極鼓勵安裝太陽能面板的國家,全球安裝了99百萬GW,中國就安裝53百 ...全文
As competition heats up in Hong Kong's e-payments market, the city's dominant smart-card operator, Octopus Cards Ltd., is seeking to expand into a new business segment: online shopping payments. The c ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-12