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... 聽,不就是現在推崇的Happy school嗎?「學生父母不會介意、投訴子女勞動,活動中學生身體強壯了,亦更合 ...全文


大團圓結局 此事古難全

... , ending是否happy,要視乎你是哪一隊的粉絲。阿仙奴在歐霸盃四強出局,鐵定失落下季歐聯資格,雲加(W ...全文


US, China commit to solve trade dispute through dialogue: Xinhua

... walk away happy”. It added “fingers would be crossed” around the world that a deal could be stuck because “failure would herald a slug fest of tariffs that would leave global trade reeling”. US Presid ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-04


... 入Stanford,happy hour高興過頭,爆了給我知Kevin其實是某某超級富豪的私生子。 我認不出長 ...全文



... ,這種「爭奪戰」實屬happy problem。 眾所周知,南韓一直反對借助美軍武力統一北韓,除了在國安層面擔 ...全文


More taxi rebates, more happy customers

The digital payments drive in the taxi industry is proving to be quite a boon for Hongkongers, with passengers offered various discounts and rebates to encourage them to go cashless.  The latest to jo ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

How artificial intelligence can help boost mental health

... althy and happy life is our common desire. This surely will rank as one of the major objectives in the development of innovative technology and smart city! – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

They don't deliver newspapers anymore

... . They're happy as long as Facebook still survives. For the rest of us, we still go downstairs every morning to buy a copy of our favorite daily. For no more than HK$10 a day, we become a part of that ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30

Hong Kong and Chile: Much closer than you imagine

... metery in Happy Valley, and his story has been recorded at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum. Today Chile is no longer a naval power, and Chinese coolies are also history. However, Chile and Hong Kong hav ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-30


... 前夕未宜多手。今日係happy Friday,而非happy fly day,噚日29800水平博反彈,今早唔 ...全文


【輪證贏家】恒指熊Happy Fly-Day!

當全個銀河系開始準備幫騰訊(00700)血肉長城,個個都話「騰訊要撈啦喎!」「400蚊樓下企鵝唔係唔買呀?!」 ...全文


Why the govt move on history textbooks is uncalled for

... eople are happy with their own existing system as the people of Hong Kong are with theirs, so “why would you want us to change?” Vice versa, we believe director Wang’s logic applies to our school text ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-26


... ,Lydia約我放工happy hour。 Lydia是我的一個下屬。個子小小,但五官標致,以一個男人的角度, ...全文


Happy Fridays for Didi drivers and customers

... omers are happy, taxi drivers are happier. That is because Didi offered to pay HK$80 for each ride to the drivers with an added bonus of HK$1,000. Didi claims that more than 20,000 drivers, about half ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-23

Taking advantage of China's 'Middle Kingdom' mentality

... butaries" happy as long as they are willing to kiss up to China. The same kind of Middle Kingdom mindset also influenced Beijing leaders a lot in their foreign policy approach even when China virtuall ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-20

How Nissin sparked an instant food culture

...  its fans happy during the near-two-hour visit as it tells them all about the history of the instant noodles and how the company lives by the following four mottos: "Peace will come to the world when ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16

What the World Happiness Report is telling us

... htly less happy than the locals. In Japan, the report says new immigrants are substantially happier than their local counterparts. I think the findings make a lot of sense because, as we all know, Jap ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-16

Yo Dancical 2018

... 畫有video,明快happy。Cha Cha作曲有《減壓操》。 大人們如區璟智及新舊AO團隊、紀文鳳及她的網 ...全文



... 失望。 這本The Happy Lion(作者Louise Fatio,1954年出版)開首是這樣的:「The ...全文


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