
共 1779 個結果
頁數:1...81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89


... 存在價值。 這也許是Chris Anderson約10年前所說的「長尾理論」(The Long Tail)。隨 ...全文



... p投資總監普普拉瓦(Chris Puplava)認為,現在仍未是拋售離場的時候。 美國衰退風險有限 首先,美國 ...全文



... 學新聞學教授錢伯斯(Chris Chambers)批評,該手冊令美軍獲授權攻擊記者,他稱不知道「無特權交戰者」 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年08月12日

Want to upstage Joey Yung? Come as an old sailor

... n there's Chris Liu, a young man said to be a second-generation member of an affluent mainland Chinese family who likes to take photos of himself in provocative poses. People sometimes wonder if he i ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-08

或非急墜解體 意外謎底難猜破

... 悉尼大學學者弗萊明(Chris Fleming)表示,陰謀論源於一般人質疑當局隱瞞事實,轉而相信坊間無稽之談。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global客機失蹤2015年08月07日

環法冠軍 破風衝線

... 軍、英國車手科魯美(Chris Froome,穿黃色戰衣者)與戰友一同並肩破風衝線,分享勝利喜悅。科魯美獲45 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2015年08月01日


... et 81、馬來西亞Chris Chong Chan Fui作品Block B、印尼Made Wianta的《 ...全文


Facebook ramps up free mobile internet service

... ast year, Chris Daniels, vice president of product for Internet.org, said. Facebook developed the platform with six technology partners to bring an estimated 4.5 billion unconnected people online, mai ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-28


原定本月22日及24日在港澳開騷的美國男歌手Chris Brown,早前被菲律賓當局指他收了100萬美元酬金, ...全文


Experts show moving car can be taken over by remote control

... esearcher Chris Valasek demonstrated that the Fiat Chrysler telematics system Uconnect can break into a moving vehicle. Reuters is reporting that in a controlled test, they turned on the Jeep Cherokee ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-22


... m 每周一Web︰ Chris Urmson︰How a driverless car sees the ro ...全文


Chris Wat criticized for blaming Occupy protesters

Former Ming Pao columnist Chris Wat Wing-yin, who has changed her views from pro-democracy to pro-Beijing in recent years, said last year's Umbrella Movement lured many Hong Kong people into committin ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-21

What could happen if the Iran nuclear deal had not been made

Let us give praise where it is richly deserved. Despite all the criticism they faced, US President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, stuck doggedly to the task of negotiating a deal ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-17

BlackRock: Market turmoil not an economic issue

... e market, Chris Hall, co-head of Asian equity research of BlackRock, told a press briefing in Hong Kong Tuesday.  The amount becomes "quite small" when compared with the overall economy, he said. Ewen ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-15

唱好勝過唱淡 外資A股搵着數

... 股票聯席投資研究主管Chris Hall表示,目前內地融資融券規模佔A股市值僅6%至7%,規模並不大,相信近期 ...全文


獲利走資增 三連升斷纜
恒指曾挫318點 交投續萎縮

... 股票聯席投資研究主管Chris Hall表示,港股早前急跌純粹是A股技術性原因影響,因為A股半數公司停牌,導致 ...全文


Harvard scholar: Communist role versus wartime Japan misleading

... lation by Chris Heung -- Contact us at [email protected] CH/JP/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-13

希脫歐今揭盅 德:已失信任

... G高級分析員比徹姆(Chris Beauchamp)說,若今天開市前仍未有協議,市場將有很大反應,儘管不排除歐 ...全文


單車 : 簡索拉拿炒車退出

... 賽。英國車手科魯美(Chris Froome)以7小時11分37秒的總成績躍升榜首,穿上黃色戰衣。 ...全文


A shares face complex process to qualify for key index: MSCI

... changes,” Chris Ryan, MSCI’s head of Asia-Pacific, was quoted as saying Monday in a Wall Street Journal report. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) “has to coordinate amongst nine or mor ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-30

頁數:1...81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

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