... ccountant Chris Wong is brewery manager in Hong Kong at Hitachino Nest Beer, the Japanese craft beer brand that recently opened in Fo Tan industrial area. "A barrier is the suitability of the building ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-08
... sumption. Chris Blattman, a professor at Columbia University, found that it's far more effective to give small amount of cash to the poor than non-cash support. The poor would spend the money on thing ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-05
... imbledon, Chris Froome won the Tour de France again, Lewis Hamilton won the German Grand Prix and the West End’s stage version of Harry Potter was a theatrical tour de force. One has but to look to fi ...More
EJ Insight2016-08-03
... in的副總裁哈里克(Chris Harrick)把梅拉尼婭的演說上載到該系統測試,發現整篇演說有6%的內容抄襲 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 寰球信識曾維駿2016年07月30日
The Brexit vote has smashed much of the infrastructure of Britain's economic and political relations with Europe and the world. Those who campaigned for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union, ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-22
... ded us of Chris Patten, the city's last British colonial governor who was known for his fondness for Hong Kong snack foods. Both men knew well that the shortest distance to people's hearts is through ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-20
... 投資研究主管何利斯(Chris Hall)認為,本港經濟基本面轉差,樓市表現未如理想,建議減持港股,即使英倫銀 ...全文
... 的下議院領袖紀嘉林(Chris Grayling),以及原司法大臣高文浩(Michael Gove)、倫敦前市 ...全文
... 的下議院領袖紀嘉林(Chris Grayling),為文翠珊角逐黨魁的競選經理,他有可能擔任內政大臣或新設的脫 ...全文