有見12月向來為寫字樓租務旺季,有業主趁勢推出旗下上環The Wellington全層樓面招租,並率先推出3層 ...全文
幾年疫情影響下,愈來愈多人注重健康飲食,「多菜少肉」成為飲食潮流,加上過去各國曾實施轉口、入境限制,讓不少廚師 ...全文
疫情下商用物業空置率高,租金滑落,連新式銀座式商廈的租金亦有所下跌,吸引知名食肆進駐。剛於今年初首奪《米芝蓮指 ...全文
朋友久不久會在臉書看到有人post我和大師公到哪兒吃飯的帖文,大家以為我倆好喜歡四處覓食,其實從來不會隨便光顧 ...全文
《米芝蓮指南》一直被視為飲食界的盛事,2022年的星級名單於上星期三公布,今年有9間食店首獲一星名銜,當中大部 ...全文
Mark Twain once said, "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not." That piece of advice seems doubly relevant now as we st ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-23
在法國,藝術近乎等同於生活的一部分。法國過往一直是歐洲的文化藝術中心,無論是文學、繪畫、時裝、建築,甚至是飲食 ...全文
Backstage Live Restaurant, a trendy eatery in Central, is closing after eight years, a victim of surging rent. The Wellington Street restaurant has featured live performances by musicians, comedians a ...More
EJ Insight2015-07-28
In 2009, Mr. Mou, a 57-year-old millionaire, was told by his doctor that he had no more than two years to live – his stomach cancer was at an advanced stage and surgery was useless. Unwilling to accep ...More
EJ Insight2014-07-09