天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay別墅地下連花園特色戶,實用面積1158方呎,5房雙套房連工作間,花 ...全文
... d Seasons Bay,近期二手成交呎價約10566元,YOHO WEST PARKSIDE貼近同區新晉屋 ...全文
天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay 3A座高層A5室,實用面積417方呎,2房間隔,向東,享會所及池 ...全文
天水圍Wetland Seasons Bay 5A座高層A2室,實用面積449方呎,2房連儲物房間隔,向東,月 ...全文
... 貝殼灣(Shell Bay)一個豪華高爾夫度假村式住宅開發項目。 海灣國家也是威特科夫集團的生意夥伴,2023 ...全文
... e Greater Bay Area. ...More
EJ Insight2025-01-22
... 。■ 運動及休閒品牌Bay Pickle公布,致力於推動匹克球成為香港及大灣區「運動娛樂」熱潮,在本港設立三個 ...全文
運動及休閒品牌Bay Pickle公布,致力於推動匹克球成為香港及大灣區「運動娛樂」熱潮,在荃灣D‧PARK愉 ...全文
... 略公司Hudson Bay。 2.滙控據報考慮下調部分員工獎金 彭博引述知情人士透露,滙豐控股(00005)將 ...全文
... 同基座商場灣景薈T Bay一併出售,總建築面積約61萬方呎,共有1219間客房。 第一太平戴維斯首席執行官投資 ...全文
... e Greater Bay Area at home and abroad to meet market demand. The establishment of CDS is of substantial significance, as it will attract more students from the mainland and overseas to study in Hong K ...More
EJ Insight2025-01-06
... 沖基金Hudson Bay Capital的網頁,Miran及魯賓尼是基金的高級顧問。因此,這個債市炸彈早為市 ...全文
... ns by the Bay)的成功經驗,將三寶樹濕地保育公園打造為本港乃至世界性的生態保育地標。筆者建議政府可 ...全文
... e Greater Bay Area (GBA) is the new Wealth Management Connect scheme, which lets GBA residents directly invest in funds across borders. Hong Kong is also pushing into the family offices sector, and ma ...More
EJ Insight2024-12-03
... e Greater Bay Area and ASEAN. From pre-epidemic preparation such as building and regularly updating a comprehensive database of underground channels, monitoring the health situation on a daily basis, ...More
EJ Insight2024-12-02
... e Greater Bay Area held in late September explored how to further realise the potential of the region. At the forum, the Smart City Consortium (SCC), being one of the organisers, submitted to the Hong ...More
EJ Insight2024-11-24