
共 707 個結果
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Huawei opens up to German scrutiny ahead of 5G auctions: report

Huawei Technologies will open a new information security lab in Germany that will enable source code reviews, a move aimed at winning German regulators’ confidence before the country’s 5G mobile spect ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-24

HKAI Lab正式營運 首輪七家初創遷入

... 實驗室」(HKAI Lab),本月正式投入營運。項目由三方合共投資逾1000萬元,將以「初創公司加速器計劃」的 ...全文


HKAI Lab正式營運 七初創企業遷入

... 實驗室」(HKAI Lab)於本月正式營運。 該實驗室旨在培育本地人工智能技術及數據人才,推動本地創新科技發展 ...全文


Open data to cultivate I&T development

...  data available to the public, by means of a common spatial data infrastructure, to catalyze new opportunities. Europe, the United States and Singapore have long established this kind of platform to r ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-15

China AI drug startup secures US$15 mln new funding from Sequoia

...  from the lab to the marketing stage with great quality, according to information posted on the firm's website. One of its main products is “Medical Translations,” a multi-language medical machine tra ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-10


電視節目《60分鐘時事》介紹美國麻省理工大學(MIT)所設的一個Media Lab(媒介實驗室),並稱之為「未 ...全文


丹斯克銀行重本土 雖涉洗錢百毒不侵

...  Evidence Lab繳付10億美元網上計算器費用,預計丹斯克今年利潤大減四成,僅100億丹麥克朗(約12 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年09月21日

InnoTech Expo to showcase forward-looking technologies

... ace human labor? Can the children improve in creative thinking through participation in robot design competitions? What is machine learning and deep learning? After attending the lectures, you will kn ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-20


... prototyke lab以唱作歌手陳韞(Vincy Chan)為中心,風格遍及R&B、爵士及流行音樂 ...全文


推行運算思維教育 成立STEM LAB

... 嘉年華日暨STEM LAB開幕禮」,當日邀得創新及科技局副局長鍾偉強博士JP及英皇書院同學會鄧兆堂會長擔任主禮 ...全文


藝里坊.1號最快周末開示位 下月開售

... on及Coffee Lab等,讓住戶能隨時隨心,藉音樂放鬆身心。 ...全文


NASA working on space version of GPS

With the help of the global positioning system (GPS), finding your way anywhere on the planet has become so easy. But what if we are not talking about the Earth? NASA’s Frontier Development Lab and In ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-28

TSS is taking Taiwanese startups to global stage

... NYC Media Lab Summit in New York, allowing local entrepreneurs to promote their expertise and gain media exposure worldwide. “We rarely screen startups from an investor perspective, and instead, we fo ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-23


... NYC Media Lab紐約媒體實驗室等國際創科展覽。此外,TSS每年都會舉辦「TaiwanRocks Ho ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月23日


... hy Street Lab),這個由運輸署支持的社區實驗項目,政府展現與「殺街」很不一樣的對待街道空間的取態和 ...全文



... and Error Lab HK」是向年輕人提供職業志向發展的服務,他估計3年內,兩項計劃將吸引7000多名年 ...全文


Im's Lab to keep working on underwater robotics technology

... tup, Im's Laboratory, has been working on underwater robotics technology, such as unmanned underwater vehicles. The firm's founder, Jacky Im, recently sat down with the Hong Kong Economic Journal, to ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-03

Facebook says it uncovered new meddling before 2018 US elections

...  Research Lab, which was shown the suspended pages ahead of the takedown, said they showed similarities in language and approach to previously fake accounts from the Internet Research Agency, which is ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-01

港大畢業隨即創業 創作純素食甜品

... 的The vege lab純素甜品。取名「素食實驗」,意謂試驗過不同材料份量,發揮創意,製作健康精緻的蛋糕。 ...全文


奢侈消費復甦 龍頭股擁優勢

... rld Brand Lab)編製的《中國500最具價值品牌》,珠寶行業前5名的公司品牌價值一直在提高,其中周大 ...全文


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